Oct 27, 2011


Jasmin made me send my contributions to Camilla.
here's one:

have a great weekend / allerheiligen / halloween etc!
(I'll be away until wednesday)


Oct 26, 2011

She's finished and sent in....if you do something for the book can you post here so I can see too :)

Oct 23, 2011


The photo is a reference to the project I'm working on in the museum (http://www.huisvanalijn.be/). It will be about correspondance/mail/leule post etc, yes yes!! I'm breaking my head for a good title. 'Briefwisseling' says it all in Dutch ( but I'm not sure); the project is about sending and receiving messages and the change of perception we experience right now. The tactile letter versus the intangible sms or tweet. The private space of the letter and the open space of internet, the slow ritual of writing and sending a paper letter and the quick mail or sms....and so on and so on. The project won't give an opinion but just wonders at all those changes of meaning.
I've have invited four artists who will reflect on these items all in a different way.
BUT I also like to start a correspondance. The museum will write letters to peole who are invited too respond on the questions I mentioned. I want to fill the INBOX in the museum. All the letters or messages will be shown in the exhibitions space.

What do you think do you want to participate???

It's a beautifull sunny sunday and I will be spending some time in the sun. I'll take my camera.......I have an idea for the 'Morran project'!!


Oct 20, 2011

Oct 16, 2011

Morran book

Hello, lovely ladies! If you have the time - please do a picture to the Morran book! It doesn't have to be a portrait, as long as the mainsubject IS Morran (like yourself thinking or Morran... ...Morran text...something that Morran would like and so on). Here is a little more information.

Oct 10, 2011

Oct 5, 2011

spectacular graffiti by ROA

there is a really big and beautiful new graffiti in vienna,
and Jasmin and I went to see it this afternoon.
behind the door she found a hidden rabbit head + skull.

it is by the belgian artist ROA, you can see more of his work here: http://roaweb.tumblr.com/

Oct 4, 2011

- Thinking of You

thought I would change my lack of posts by adding this one. It's a very rainy day here and I'm thinking of you :)

Oct 2, 2011

part of my day

Hello Knutselers I hope you are all fine. I know some of you have been travelling.

I went to the studio for the last time, cleaning up a little bit after myself, saying goodbye. I picked these on my way back home. Then I forgot about photographing the rest ;))

Morran illustration book.

Oct 1, 2011

And again...

Here are a few more shots of the Gehry building in Cambridge. This time I took them from my bicycle, so I was able to stop. No risk taking involved!

Below that is a not-very good picture of a Rothko painting I took last December at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. I thought I wouldn't like his black paintings, but it turns out they are surprisingly likable (which you can't tell from this picture!).

Have a great weekend everyone!