Apr 3, 2011

photo of me

Hello everyone, I hope you are all more than fine!
One of you sent this photo of me, but I don't remember who it was?
In a hurry I got the opportunity to be part in the Uppercase book Work/life 2. Since I used all of my photos, for the other book about myself, I sent them this photo - asking if it would work. My plan was to ask you who took the photo during the time it took for them to answer. They never answered and I never asked... I am so sorry about that. Now it is in the book without the photographers name.. :( Please forgive me.
I owe you!

This was the only other choise I had :))
Morran (and myself) has eaten whipped cream. It looks like we want more.


Kristen Donegan said...

oops- that would be me- no worries
glad it worked out :)

Camilla Engman said...

My apologies!
When I blog about the book I can blog about the photo, so you will at least get a link to your blog.

Kristen Donegan said...

aw- that other picture is pretty cute of the two of you!

barbara said...

love the whipped cream photo!

Jasmin said...

the whipped cream photo is sweet! and it's so funny that you an morran know one of the dog gang members :-)

Kristen Donegan said...

I just saw the book on the uppercase blog- they have a video of it being flipped through- it looks very good! Lots of different artists- congrats Camilla :)