Dec 31, 2011

Guten Rutsch!*

Dear ladies, wishing you a "good slip"* into the new year
and may it be a happy and healthy one!!

greetings from sunny Vienna,
where you can already hear the firecrackers for days (poor doggies),
your friend Barbara

Dec 22, 2011

happy holidays!

I made this pop-up star following this tutorial on folding trees
It's easy to make and a nice little gift :-)

Wishing you ladies a very Merry Christmas and a Dandy New Year :)

Dec 15, 2011

busy in december, part 2

last weekend, Jasmin and I attended a screen printing workshop at a place called dasviadukt, it was great fun but also quite strenuous.
you can see a bit of Jasmin's work over here on her blog.
I did a little print of a dead bird (it died in my kitchen a few weeks ago), and a bigger one with a woman's head.

busy in december, part 1

I did a bit of decoration and an advent calendar.
still so much to do...!