Mar 28, 2011

"This country ain't big enough for the six of us. So I'm giving you 'til sundown to get out of town."

Summer 2010. Barbara and I encountered The Gang in the hot and dusty streets of Gothenburg. 
here is a link (I already posted it on my blog) for friends of knutsel :-)

Mar 21, 2011

spring is here!

at last it is officially spring!
today is vernal equinox (tag- und nachtgleiche).

did you guys also have this massive and extremely light full moon?
(I woke up in the night and it was like a big flashlight shining in my face)
I read that it is now the most nearest to earth in the whole century.

the pic shows my favorite mosaic mural in my favorite park in Vienna.
it used to be at the entry of an aviary, but between my last two visits to the park, the building and the birds have disapeared... at least they kept the mosaic!

Mar 18, 2011

This is as close as it gets

This is close to your portrait except it's small- the lights are from a disco ball. It looks very early 90's to me, but
thats just because it was ;)
This was before we were married and Brian was working nights so he was all messed up time/sleep wise. I'm pretty sure
I was going out and he was just getting home when I made him pose with the Elvis glasses, I do have a slight cruel streak-
but I've always liked this picture
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Mar 15, 2011

home away from home

as some of you may know, at present my home gets renovated and I'm now living in my friend's* flat for 3 weeks. it is in the same house but on a different corner and it feels a bit like being on a holiday. different views, different light, different sounds.
I only took some clothes, little personal stuff, and my plants with me, the rest of my belongings got stowed away in boxes. seeing my things in a strange surrounding is interesting.

here are some impressions of my home away from home:
the tiled stove and the huge painting in the bedroom / my "landlord's" selfportrait mural in the kitchen / I'm knitting for the next winter / my plants on vacation

greetings from Vienna,

*who took a sabbatical year, which he will spend in Berlin and Tel Aviv... and yes, I am envious!! ;)

Mar 13, 2011

Revisiting my Bird book

yup- (the one I got in Göteborg) and feeling all of the maple sugaring that is going on around. mmmmm :)
a special treat this time of year.

Mar 11, 2011

Christina Empedocles

Mar 9, 2011

Inari Krohn

I like these landscapes by finnish painter/illustrator Inari Krohn.
(she doesn't have a website, you can only google image search for more pics...)

Mar 6, 2011


I didn't do the bowl assignment originally because I don't usually keep stuff in my bowls. I have a ridiculous amount of bowls...and so most of my bowls are simply holding other bowls! I did finally realize that I had some acorns in one of them, so here's a picture of that, in addition to some bowls inside of bowls.